Don't reinvent the wheel! We have a multitude of templates for the most common voice-first use cases. The fastest way to go from an idea to the live Alexa Skill or Google Action.
If you know HTML or CSS - BotTalk markup language will be very easy to learn! It is based on YAML Syntax and support a popular templating engine Twig out of the box!
BotTalk automatically saves the dialog flow state in the session. Internal variables will be saved on per-user basis. No third-party database is required!
BotTalk's Automated Voice Tester will go through all possible dialog scenarios, find logic errors, detect dialog flow dead ends and notify about API errors.
The automatic deployment process helps you to validate your model, export your custom intents and slots. You can literally go from a new script to production in one click.
We love our users. And they love us back. Every step of the way our alexa and actions developers get ideas, support and knowledge from the best voice community out there!
Your issue is our main priority. Our 24/7 support team is here to help you and make sure our product is up to date.
Facebook CommunityLearn how to build voice and multimodal apps for Alexa and Google Home devices with our Documentation and Tutorials.
Open DocumentationLearn how to create Alexa Skills and Google Actions with the step-by-step tutorials on our YouTube Channel.
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